Homesteading Family Logo


Confidently fill your shelves and freezer with safe, healthy food by canning, dehydrating, fermenting, freeze-drying, infusing, curing, brewing, and more!

We’ll show you tutorials for canning meat using the raw-pack method, how we preserve all our excess eggs to use during winter (or how we freeze eggs for easy baking), plus we share fermented recipes including fermented cranberry sauce, fermented garden tomatoes and ginger carrots.

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Click "SHOW MORE" if you're new to our channel and "MORE ABOUT US" for some freebies! 
Root cellaring is one of the easiest and most energy-efficient ways to store your fruits and vegetables by using the earth’s natural temperatures. But what do you do if you don’t have the infrastructure to support a traditional root cellar? You get creative! 

In this episode of the Panty Chat, we're continuing our series on preservation methods with an introduction to root cellaring. We're covering all the basics as well as the alternatives for homesteaders who want to get started with root cellaring, but don’t have the dedicated space for it.

To listen to this episode as a podcast, or to read the transcript or show notes, head over to:   

Time Stamps
0:00 - Chit Chat
2:59 - Do we freeze our meat and how do we back up our freezers if the power goes out?
5:23 - Main Topic: Root Cellaring
6:55 - What is root cellaring?
9:03 - Pros of root cellaring
10:42 - Cons of root cellaring
13:03 - Ideal root cellar conditions
21:13 - Other food storage option
27:20 - Top priorities to root cellaring
28:37 - Root cellar maintenance 

WELCOME! We're so glad you're here! We are Josh and Carolyn Thomas. Together with our eleven children, we are The Homesteading Family where we’re living a self-sustainable life in beautiful North Idaho. Let us welcome you and show you a bit about us here: 

Grow, Preserve & Thrive with us!  
Visit us at and on Facebook at 

A few highlights you don't want to miss are our FREEBIES!! 

Click any of the links below for instant access to free video training resources:

- Healthy Healing at Home- Free 4 video workshop on our herb course Herbal Medicine Cabinet: Colds
- Bread Making workshop- Free 4 video workshop on our masterclass, The Art of Homemade Bread
- Meals on Your Shelf- Free 4 video workshop on canning. The Abundant Pantry: Canning

Click any of the links below for instant access to these free downloadable PDFs:

- Homesteading Family's Favorite Holiday Recipes - A PDF download filled with our family’s favorite holiday recipe.
- 5 Steps to a More Self Sufficient Life- Simple PDF download on 5 steps anyone can take wherever they are to start a more self-sufficient lifestyle.
- Thrive Wellness Checklist- A simple PDF download for healthy living.
- Permaculture for Your Homestead- PDF download that is an introduction to permaculture with some strategies for applying it to one’s homestead and garden.
- Carolyn’s Cottage Garden herb list- PDF with Carolyn’s favorite herbs for growing at home.
- Carolyn’s Make-Ahead Breakfast Casseroles- Carolyn’s favorite make-ahead breakfast casseroles.
- Your FREE Guide to Preserving Eggs- PDF download with multiple ways to preserve eggs.
- 5 Steps to a Healthy Garden- PDF download with an explanation of what makes healthy soil and 5 steps you can take to improve your garden
- Save the Crumbs- Several Recipes for using bread leftovers, a less committal entry to bread than the workshop.
- Fearless Fermenting- A PDF on basic lacto-ferments.
- Fermenting Tomatoes- PDF download on fermenting tomatoes
- Preserving Culinary Herbs- Downloadable, step by step directions to drying, freezing and salting culinary herbs.
- Render Your Own Lard- PDF with instructions on how to render your own lard.
#rootcellar #rootcellaring #foodpreservation #preservingfood #foodstorage

Never miss a new video! Subscribe to our channel to be notified whenever we publish a new video!
Click "SHOW MORE" if you're new to our channel and "MORE ABOUT US" for some freebies!
Root cellaring is one of the easiest and most energy-efficient ways to store your fruits and vegetables by using the earth’s natural temperatures. But what do you do if you don’t have the infrastructure to support a traditional root cellar? You get creative!

In this episode of the Panty Chat, we're continuing our series on preservation methods with an introduction to root cellaring. We're covering all the basics as well as the alternatives for homesteaders who want to get started with root cellaring, but don’t have the dedicated space for it.

To listen to this episode as a podcast, or to read the transcript or show notes, head over to:

Time Stamps
0:00 - Chit Chat
2:59 - Do we freeze our meat and how do we back up our freezers if the power goes out?
5:23 - Main Topic: Root Cellaring
6:55 - What is root cellaring?
9:03 - Pros of root cellaring
10:42 - Cons of root cellaring
13:03 - Ideal root cellar conditions
21:13 - Other food storage option
27:20 - Top priorities to root cellaring
28:37 - Root cellar maintenance

WELCOME! We're so glad you're here! We are Josh and Carolyn Thomas. Together with our eleven children, we are The Homesteading Family where we’re living a self-sustainable life in beautiful North Idaho. Let us welcome you and show you a bit about us here:

Grow, Preserve & Thrive with us!
Visit us at and on Facebook at

A few highlights you don't want to miss are our FREEBIES!!

Click any of the links below for instant access to free video training resources:

- Healthy Healing at Home- Free 4 video workshop on our herb course Herbal Medicine Cabinet: Colds
- Bread Making workshop- Free 4 video workshop on our masterclass, The Art of Homemade Bread
- Meals on Your Shelf- Free 4 video workshop on canning. The Abundant Pantry: Canning

Click any of the links below for instant access to these free downloadable PDFs:

- Homesteading Family's Favorite Holiday Recipes - A PDF download filled with our family’s favorite holiday recipe.
- 5 Steps to a More Self Sufficient Life- Simple PDF download on 5 steps anyone can take wherever they are to start a more self-sufficient lifestyle.
- Thrive Wellness Checklist- A simple PDF download for healthy living.
- Permaculture for Your Homestead- PDF download that is an introduction to permaculture with some strategies for applying it to one’s homestead and garden.
- Carolyn’s Cottage Garden herb list- PDF with Carolyn’s favorite herbs for growing at home.
- Carolyn’s Make-Ahead Breakfast Casseroles- Carolyn’s favorite make-ahead breakfast casseroles.
- Your FREE Guide to Preserving Eggs- PDF download with multiple ways to preserve eggs.
- 5 Steps to a Healthy Garden- PDF download with an explanation of what makes healthy soil and 5 steps you can take to improve your garden
- Save the Crumbs- Several Recipes for using bread leftovers, a less committal entry to bread than the workshop.
- Fearless Fermenting- A PDF on basic lacto-ferments.
- Fermenting Tomatoes- PDF download on fermenting tomatoes
- Preserving Culinary Herbs- Downloadable, step by step directions to drying, freezing and salting culinary herbs.
- Render Your Own Lard- PDF with instructions on how to render your own lard.
#rootcellar #rootcellaring #foodpreservation #preservingfood #foodstorage

3.1K 187


Everything You Need To Know About Root Cellaring - Preservation 101

107.1K views October 18th

All about dehydrating! Different methods for dehydrating, what food works best, plus tips and tricks! 

Dehydration is another great option for getting food on your shelf, plus it’s also super convenient, lightweight, and really takes the bulk down on your food to help maximize your space. 

In this episode of the Panty Chat, Josh and Carolyn continue their series on preservation methods with an introduction to dehydration. They cover the pros and cons of dehydration, what foods it really works best on, the different types of dehydration, and the basic steps you need to follow in order to get started. 

In this Episode: 

- Grandma Jeanie is recovering after having to go to the ER for pelvic pain caused by pneumonia. 
- Harvest season is still in full swing as Josh and Carolyn continue to make plans to prep for winter. 
- Why would somebody dehydrate and what are the benefits of doing it over other preservation methods? 
- What are the types of food you can dehydrate and what are the nutritional benefits? 
- What foods should not be dehydrated at home and why?
- What are the grades of different electric dehydrators and what features should you look for when buying one? 
- Josh and Carolyn discuss the different types of dehydration methods (electric, solar, and oven). 
- What are the basic steps you need to know before you start dehydrating food? 
- Carolyn provides some tips on how to reconstitute tomatoes and use them to make a great sauce. 

Links Mentioned:
Preservation 101 - Canning:
Preservation 101 - Fermenting:

Time Stamps:
0:00 - Chit Chat
7:40 - My canned food grew mold, what went wrong?
10:23 - What is dehydrating?
11:55 - Benefits of dehydrating food
17:19 - What we dehydrate
19:21 - What CAN'T you dehydrate?
24:44 - Methods of dehydration
27:44 - Dehydrating basics
33:18 - How to use dehydrated food
36:25 - The BEST fruit leather tip

WELCOME! We're so glad you're here! We are Josh and Carolyn Thomas. Together with our eleven children, we are The Homesteading Family where we’re living a self-sustainable life in beautiful North Idaho. Let us welcome you and show you a bit about us here: 

Grow, Preserve & Thrive with us!  
Visit us at and on Facebook at 

- Healthy Healing at Home- Free 4 video workshop on our herb course Herbal Medicine Cabinet: Colds
- Bread Making workshop- Free 4 video workshop on our masterclass, The Art of Homemade Bread
- Meals on Your Shelf- Free 4 video workshop on canning. The Abundant Pantry: Canning

Click any of the links below for instant access to these free downloadable PDFs:

- Homesteading Family's Favorite Holiday Recipes -
- 5 Steps to a More Self Sufficient Life- Simple PDF download on 5 steps anyone can take wherever they are to start a more self-sufficient lifestyle.
- Thrive Wellness Checklist- A simple PDF download for healthy living.
- Permaculture for Your Homestead- PDF download that is an introduction to permaculture with some strategies for applying it to one’s homestead and garden.
- Carolyn’s Cottage Garden herb list- PDF with Carolyn’s favorite herbs for growing at home.
- Carolyn’s Make-Ahead Breakfast Casseroles- Carolyn’s favorite make-ahead breakfast casseroles.
- Your FREE Guide to Preserving Eggs- PDF download with multiple ways to preserve eggs.
- 5 Steps to a Healthy Garden- PDF download with an explanation of what makes healthy soil and 5 steps you can take to improve your garden
- Save the Crumbs- Several Recipes for using bread leftovers, a less committal entry to bread than the workshop.
- Fearless Fermenting- A PDF on basic lacto-ferments.
- Fermenting Tomatoes- PDF download on fermenting tomatoes.
#dehydrating #dehydrate #dehydratedfood #howtodehydrate

All about dehydrating! Different methods for dehydrating, what food works best, plus tips and tricks!

Dehydration is another great option for getting food on your shelf, plus it’s also super convenient, lightweight, and really takes the bulk down on your food to help maximize your space.

In this episode of the Panty Chat, Josh and Carolyn continue their series on preservation methods with an introduction to dehydration. They cover the pros and cons of dehydration, what foods it really works best on, the different types of dehydration, and the basic steps you need to follow in order to get started.

In this Episode:

- Grandma Jeanie is recovering after having to go to the ER for pelvic pain caused by pneumonia.
- Harvest season is still in full swing as Josh and Carolyn continue to make plans to prep for winter.
- Why would somebody dehydrate and what are the benefits of doing it over other preservation methods?
- What are the types of food you can dehydrate and what are the nutritional benefits?
- What foods should not be dehydrated at home and why?
- What are the grades of different electric dehydrators and what features should you look for when buying one?
- Josh and Carolyn discuss the different types of dehydration methods (electric, solar, and oven).
- What are the basic steps you need to know before you start dehydrating food?
- Carolyn provides some tips on how to reconstitute tomatoes and use them to make a great sauce.

Links Mentioned:
Preservation 101 - Canning:
Preservation 101 - Fermenting:

Time Stamps:
0:00 - Chit Chat
7:40 - My canned food grew mold, what went wrong?
10:23 - What is dehydrating?
11:55 - Benefits of dehydrating food
17:19 - What we dehydrate
19:21 - What CAN'T you dehydrate?
24:44 - Methods of dehydration
27:44 - Dehydrating basics
33:18 - How to use dehydrated food
36:25 - The BEST fruit leather tip

WELCOME! We're so glad you're here! We are Josh and Carolyn Thomas. Together with our eleven children, we are The Homesteading Family where we’re living a self-sustainable life in beautiful North Idaho. Let us welcome you and show you a bit about us here:

Grow, Preserve & Thrive with us!
Visit us at and on Facebook at

- Healthy Healing at Home- Free 4 video workshop on our herb course Herbal Medicine Cabinet: Colds
- Bread Making workshop- Free 4 video workshop on our masterclass, The Art of Homemade Bread
- Meals on Your Shelf- Free 4 video workshop on canning. The Abundant Pantry: Canning

Click any of the links below for instant access to these free downloadable PDFs:

- Homesteading Family's Favorite Holiday Recipes -
- 5 Steps to a More Self Sufficient Life- Simple PDF download on 5 steps anyone can take wherever they are to start a more self-sufficient lifestyle.
- Thrive Wellness Checklist- A simple PDF download for healthy living.
- Permaculture for Your Homestead- PDF download that is an introduction to permaculture with some strategies for applying it to one’s homestead and garden.
- Carolyn’s Cottage Garden herb list- PDF with Carolyn’s favorite herbs for growing at home.
- Carolyn’s Make-Ahead Breakfast Casseroles- Carolyn’s favorite make-ahead breakfast casseroles.
- Your FREE Guide to Preserving Eggs- PDF download with multiple ways to preserve eggs.
- 5 Steps to a Healthy Garden- PDF download with an explanation of what makes healthy soil and 5 steps you can take to improve your garden
- Save the Crumbs- Several Recipes for using bread leftovers, a less committal entry to bread than the workshop.
- Fearless Fermenting- A PDF on basic lacto-ferments.
- Fermenting Tomatoes- PDF download on fermenting tomatoes.
#dehydrating #dehydrate #dehydratedfood #howtodehydrate

4.7K 258


Introduction to Dehydrating - Preservation 101

155.3K views October 11th

Curious about fermentation? Check out the what, where, and how of this easy preservation method.

Lacto Fermentation... It’s one of the safest and easiest preservation methods, plus it’s also a great way to boost your immune system and can take your veggies to a whole new level!  

In this episode of the Panty Chat, Josh and Carolyn continue with their series on preservation methods with an introduction to fermentation. They cover the different types of fermentation, its numerous health benefits, the six steps you need to follow to get started, as well as other helpful tips you can use to make sure you’re getting the most long-term value from your preservation efforts.

Links mentioned in this video:
Fearless Fermenting FREE Guide: 
Year of Plenty Fermenting Supplies (affiliate):
Year of Plenty Fermenting Supplies (on Amazon - affiliate):
Fermented Green Beans:
Fermented Tomatoes:
How to get your family to enjoy fermented foods:

Time Stamps:
0:00 - Chit Chat
8:50 - Q & A: Should we look at buying mineral rights when buying land?
11:36 - Main Topic: Fermenting 101
11:56 - Different types of fermenting
13:09 - What is lacto-fermenting?
14:40 - Pros of fermenting
19:13 - Cons to fermenting
20:56 - Fermenting safety
25:00 - 6 steps of fermenting
33:14 - Fermenting do's and don'ts

WELCOME! We're so glad you're here! We are Josh and Carolyn Thomas. Together with our eleven children, we are The Homesteading Family where we’re living a self-sustainable life in beautiful North Idaho. Let us welcome you and show you a bit about us here: 

Grow, Preserve & Thrive with us!  
Visit us at and on Facebook at 

A few highlights you don't want to miss are our FREEBIES!! 

Click any of the links below for instant access to free video training resources:

- Healthy Healing at Home- Free 4 video workshop on our herb course Herbal Medicine Cabinet: Colds
- Bread Making workshop- Free 4 video workshop on our masterclass, The Art of Homemade Bread
- Meals on Your Shelf- Free 4 video workshop on canning. The Abundant Pantry: Canning

Click any of the links below for instant access to these free downloadable PDFs:

- Homesteading Family's Favorite Holiday Recipes -
- 5 Steps to a More Self Sufficient Life- Simple PDF download on 5 steps anyone can take wherever they are to start a more self-sufficient lifestyle.
- Thrive Wellness Checklist- A simple PDF download for healthy living.
- Permaculture for Your Homestead- PDF download that is an introduction to permaculture with some strategies for applying it to one’s homestead and garden.
- Carolyn’s Cottage Garden herb list- PDF with Carolyn’s favorite herbs for growing at home.
- Carolyn’s Make-Ahead Breakfast Casseroles- Carolyn’s favorite make-ahead breakfast casseroles.
- Your FREE Guide to Preserving Eggs- PDF download with multiple ways to preserve eggs.
- 5 Steps to a Healthy Garden- PDF download with an explanation of what makes healthy soil and 5 steps you can take to improve your garden
- Save the Crumbs- Several Recipes for using bread leftovers, a less committal entry to bread than the workshop.
- Fearless Fermenting- A PDF on basic lacto-ferments.
- Fermenting Tomatoes- PDF download on fermenting tomatoes
- Preserving Culinary Herbs- Downloadable, step by step directions to drying, freezing and salting culinary herbs.
- Render Your Own Lard- PDF with instructions on how to render your own lard.
#fermenting #lactofermenting #lactofermentation #fermentation

Curious about fermentation? Check out the what, where, and how of this easy preservation method.

Lacto Fermentation... It’s one of the safest and easiest preservation methods, plus it’s also a great way to boost your immune system and can take your veggies to a whole new level!

In this episode of the Panty Chat, Josh and Carolyn continue with their series on preservation methods with an introduction to fermentation. They cover the different types of fermentation, its numerous health benefits, the six steps you need to follow to get started, as well as other helpful tips you can use to make sure you’re getting the most long-term value from your preservation efforts.

Links mentioned in this video:
Fearless Fermenting FREE Guide:
Year of Plenty Fermenting Supplies (affiliate):
Year of Plenty Fermenting Supplies (on Amazon - affiliate):
Fermented Green Beans:
Fermented Tomatoes:
How to get your family to enjoy fermented foods:

Time Stamps:
0:00 - Chit Chat
8:50 - Q & A: Should we look at buying mineral rights when buying land?
11:36 - Main Topic: Fermenting 101
11:56 - Different types of fermenting
13:09 - What is lacto-fermenting?
14:40 - Pros of fermenting
19:13 - Cons to fermenting
20:56 - Fermenting safety
25:00 - 6 steps of fermenting
33:14 - Fermenting do's and don'ts

WELCOME! We're so glad you're here! We are Josh and Carolyn Thomas. Together with our eleven children, we are The Homesteading Family where we’re living a self-sustainable life in beautiful North Idaho. Let us welcome you and show you a bit about us here:

Grow, Preserve & Thrive with us!
Visit us at and on Facebook at

A few highlights you don't want to miss are our FREEBIES!!

Click any of the links below for instant access to free video training resources:

- Healthy Healing at Home- Free 4 video workshop on our herb course Herbal Medicine Cabinet: Colds
- Bread Making workshop- Free 4 video workshop on our masterclass, The Art of Homemade Bread
- Meals on Your Shelf- Free 4 video workshop on canning. The Abundant Pantry: Canning

Click any of the links below for instant access to these free downloadable PDFs:

- Homesteading Family's Favorite Holiday Recipes -
- 5 Steps to a More Self Sufficient Life- Simple PDF download on 5 steps anyone can take wherever they are to start a more self-sufficient lifestyle.
- Thrive Wellness Checklist- A simple PDF download for healthy living.
- Permaculture for Your Homestead- PDF download that is an introduction to permaculture with some strategies for applying it to one’s homestead and garden.
- Carolyn’s Cottage Garden herb list- PDF with Carolyn’s favorite herbs for growing at home.
- Carolyn’s Make-Ahead Breakfast Casseroles- Carolyn’s favorite make-ahead breakfast casseroles.
- Your FREE Guide to Preserving Eggs- PDF download with multiple ways to preserve eggs.
- 5 Steps to a Healthy Garden- PDF download with an explanation of what makes healthy soil and 5 steps you can take to improve your garden
- Save the Crumbs- Several Recipes for using bread leftovers, a less committal entry to bread than the workshop.
- Fearless Fermenting- A PDF on basic lacto-ferments.
- Fermenting Tomatoes- PDF download on fermenting tomatoes
- Preserving Culinary Herbs- Downloadable, step by step directions to drying, freezing and salting culinary herbs.
- Render Your Own Lard- PDF with instructions on how to render your own lard.
#fermenting #lactofermenting #lactofermentation #fermentation

3.1K 194


Introduction to Fermenting (Preservation 101) - Pantry Chat #67

108.3K views October 4th

Many people think braiding onions is the best way to store them, but the truth is, onions are heavy, and properly cured onions have dry brittle stems, meaning braiding may not be the best solution. That's why we use the old-fashioned method of STRINGING onions for long-term storage.

Watch the video as I demonstrate how to string onions. For more information check out our blog post:

WELCOME! We're so glad you're here! We are Josh and Carolyn Thomas. Together with our eleven children, we are The Homesteading Family where we’re living a self-sustainable life in beautiful North Idaho. Let us welcome you and show you a bit about us here: 

Grow, Preserve & Thrive with us!  
Visit us at and on Facebook at 

A few highlights you don't want to miss are our FREEBIES!! 

Click any of the links below for instant access to free video training resources:

- Healthy Healing at Home- Free 4 video workshop on our herb course Herbal Medicine Cabinet: Colds
- Bread Making workshop- Free 4 video workshop on our masterclass, The Art of Homemade Bread
- Meals on Your Shelf- Free 4 video workshop on canning. The Abundant Pantry: Canning

Click any of the links below for instant access to these free downloadable PDFs:

- Homesteading Family's Favorite Holiday Recipes - A PDF download filled with our family’s favorite holiday recipe.
- 5 Steps to a More Self Sufficient Life- Simple PDF download on 5 steps anyone can take wherever they are to start a more self-sufficient lifestyle.
- Thrive Wellness Checklist- A simple PDF download for healthy living.
- Permaculture for Your Homestead- PDF download that is an introduction to permaculture with some strategies for applying it to one’s homestead and garden.
- Carolyn’s Cottage Garden herb list- PDF with Carolyn’s favorite herbs for growing at home.
- Carolyn’s Make-Ahead Breakfast Casseroles- Carolyn’s favorite make-ahead breakfast casseroles.
- Your FREE Guide to Preserving Eggs- PDF download with multiple ways to preserve eggs.
- 5 Steps to a Healthy Garden- PDF download with an explanation of what makes healthy soil and 5 steps you can take to improve your garden
- Save the Crumbs- Several Recipes for using bread leftovers, a less committal entry to bread than the workshop.
- Fearless Fermenting- A PDF on basic lacto-ferments.
- Fermenting Tomatoes- PDF download on fermenting tomatoes
- Preserving Culinary Herbs- Downloadable, step by step directions to drying, freezing and salting culinary herbs.
- Render Your Own Lard- PDF with instructions on how to render your own lard.
#howtostoreonions #onions #braidingonions #foodstorage

Many people think braiding onions is the best way to store them, but the truth is, onions are heavy, and properly cured onions have dry brittle stems, meaning braiding may not be the best solution. That's why we use the old-fashioned method of STRINGING onions for long-term storage.

Watch the video as I demonstrate how to string onions. For more information check out our blog post:

WELCOME! We're so glad you're here! We are Josh and Carolyn Thomas. Together with our eleven children, we are The Homesteading Family where we’re living a self-sustainable life in beautiful North Idaho. Let us welcome you and show you a bit about us here:

Grow, Preserve & Thrive with us!
Visit us at and on Facebook at

A few highlights you don't want to miss are our FREEBIES!!

Click any of the links below for instant access to free video training resources:

- Healthy Healing at Home- Free 4 video workshop on our herb course Herbal Medicine Cabinet: Colds
- Bread Making workshop- Free 4 video workshop on our masterclass, The Art of Homemade Bread
- Meals on Your Shelf- Free 4 video workshop on canning. The Abundant Pantry: Canning

Click any of the links below for instant access to these free downloadable PDFs:

- Homesteading Family's Favorite Holiday Recipes - A PDF download filled with our family’s favorite holiday recipe.
- 5 Steps to a More Self Sufficient Life- Simple PDF download on 5 steps anyone can take wherever they are to start a more self-sufficient lifestyle.
- Thrive Wellness Checklist- A simple PDF download for healthy living.
- Permaculture for Your Homestead- PDF download that is an introduction to permaculture with some strategies for applying it to one’s homestead and garden.
- Carolyn’s Cottage Garden herb list- PDF with Carolyn’s favorite herbs for growing at home.
- Carolyn’s Make-Ahead Breakfast Casseroles- Carolyn’s favorite make-ahead breakfast casseroles.
- Your FREE Guide to Preserving Eggs- PDF download with multiple ways to preserve eggs.
- 5 Steps to a Healthy Garden- PDF download with an explanation of what makes healthy soil and 5 steps you can take to improve your garden
- Save the Crumbs- Several Recipes for using bread leftovers, a less committal entry to bread than the workshop.
- Fearless Fermenting- A PDF on basic lacto-ferments.
- Fermenting Tomatoes- PDF download on fermenting tomatoes
- Preserving Culinary Herbs- Downloadable, step by step directions to drying, freezing and salting culinary herbs.
- Render Your Own Lard- PDF with instructions on how to render your own lard.
#howtostoreonions #onions #braidingonions #foodstorage

4K 144


How to Store Onions the RIGHT Way - No More Braiding Onions!

101.8K views October 3rd

Garlic, tomatoes, green beans, oregano, and tomatoes come together to make the best snack!
Never miss a new video! Subscribe to our channel to be notified whenever we publish a new video!
Click "SHOW MORE" if you're new to our channel and "MORE ABOUT US" for some freebies! 
Fermentation is a wonderful preservation method that allows you to put up a large amount of food in a very short period of time. Because we experienced a hard freeze a bit early this year, we needed to preserve a LOT of green beans all at once! 

In this video, Carolyn shares our favorite fermented pickled green bean recipe that we call "Pizza Beans". By adding ingredients like garlic, oregano, and diced tomatoes, our pickled green beans have a slightly "pizza-like" flavor that we all love!

For the full recipe, visit our blog:

Grab our favorite fermenting weights here:

WELCOME! We're so glad you're here! We are Josh and Carolyn Thomas. Together with our eleven children, we are The Homesteading Family where we’re living a self-sustainable life in beautiful North Idaho. Let us welcome you and show you a bit about us here: 

Grow, Preserve & Thrive with us!  
Visit us at and on Facebook at 

A few highlights you don't want to miss are our FREEBIES!! 

Click any of the links below for instant access to free video training resources:

- Healthy Healing at Home- Free 4 video workshop on our herb course Herbal Medicine Cabinet: Colds
- Bread Making workshop- Free 4 video workshop on our masterclass, The Art of Homemade Bread
- Meals on Your Shelf- Free 4 video workshop on canning. The Abundant Pantry: Canning

Click any of the links below for instant access to these free downloadable PDFs:

- Homesteading Family's Favorite Holiday Recipes - A PDF download filled with our family’s favorite holiday recipe.
- 5 Steps to a More Self Sufficient Life- Simple PDF download on 5 steps anyone can take wherever they are to start a more self-sufficient lifestyle.
- Thrive Wellness Checklist- A simple PDF download for healthy living.
- Permaculture for Your Homestead- PDF download that is an introduction to permaculture with some strategies for applying it to one’s homestead and garden.
- Carolyn’s Cottage Garden herb list- PDF with Carolyn’s favorite herbs for growing at home.
- Carolyn’s Make-Ahead Breakfast Casseroles- Carolyn’s favorite make-ahead breakfast casseroles.
- Your FREE Guide to Preserving Eggs- PDF download with multiple ways to preserve eggs.
- 5 Steps to a Healthy Garden- PDF download with an explanation of what makes healthy soil and 5 steps you can take to improve your garden
- Save the Crumbs- Several Recipes for using bread leftovers, a less committal entry to bread than the workshop.
- Fearless Fermenting- A PDF on basic lacto-ferments.
- Fermenting Tomatoes- PDF download on fermenting tomatoes
- Preserving Culinary Herbs- Downloadable, step by step directions to drying, freezing and salting culinary herbs.
- Render Your Own Lard- PDF with instructions on how to render your own lard.

Garlic, tomatoes, green beans, oregano, and tomatoes come together to make the best snack!
Never miss a new video! Subscribe to our channel to be notified whenever we publish a new video!
Click "SHOW MORE" if you're new to our channel and "MORE ABOUT US" for some freebies!
Fermentation is a wonderful preservation method that allows you to put up a large amount of food in a very short period of time. Because we experienced a hard freeze a bit early this year, we needed to preserve a LOT of green beans all at once!

In this video, Carolyn shares our favorite fermented pickled green bean recipe that we call "Pizza Beans". By adding ingredients like garlic, oregano, and diced tomatoes, our pickled green beans have a slightly "pizza-like" flavor that we all love!

For the full recipe, visit our blog:

Grab our favorite fermenting weights here:

WELCOME! We're so glad you're here! We are Josh and Carolyn Thomas. Together with our eleven children, we are The Homesteading Family where we’re living a self-sustainable life in beautiful North Idaho. Let us welcome you and show you a bit about us here:

Grow, Preserve & Thrive with us!
Visit us at and on Facebook at

A few highlights you don't want to miss are our FREEBIES!!

Click any of the links below for instant access to free video training resources:

- Healthy Healing at Home- Free 4 video workshop on our herb course Herbal Medicine Cabinet: Colds
- Bread Making workshop- Free 4 video workshop on our masterclass, The Art of Homemade Bread
- Meals on Your Shelf- Free 4 video workshop on canning. The Abundant Pantry: Canning

Click any of the links below for instant access to these free downloadable PDFs:

- Homesteading Family's Favorite Holiday Recipes - A PDF download filled with our family’s favorite holiday recipe.
- 5 Steps to a More Self Sufficient Life- Simple PDF download on 5 steps anyone can take wherever they are to start a more self-sufficient lifestyle.
- Thrive Wellness Checklist- A simple PDF download for healthy living.
- Permaculture for Your Homestead- PDF download that is an introduction to permaculture with some strategies for applying it to one’s homestead and garden.
- Carolyn’s Cottage Garden herb list- PDF with Carolyn’s favorite herbs for growing at home.
- Carolyn’s Make-Ahead Breakfast Casseroles- Carolyn’s favorite make-ahead breakfast casseroles.
- Your FREE Guide to Preserving Eggs- PDF download with multiple ways to preserve eggs.
- 5 Steps to a Healthy Garden- PDF download with an explanation of what makes healthy soil and 5 steps you can take to improve your garden
- Save the Crumbs- Several Recipes for using bread leftovers, a less committal entry to bread than the workshop.
- Fearless Fermenting- A PDF on basic lacto-ferments.
- Fermenting Tomatoes- PDF download on fermenting tomatoes
- Preserving Culinary Herbs- Downloadable, step by step directions to drying, freezing and salting culinary herbs.
- Render Your Own Lard- PDF with instructions on how to render your own lard.

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48.5K views September 26th

My best tips for keeping a busy preserving day running smoothly and stress-free!
Never miss a new video! Subscribe to our channel to be notified whenever we publish a new video!
Click "SHOW MORE" if you're new to our channel and "MORE ABOUT US" for some freebies! 
A busy preserving day can mean, by days end, that you're wiped out with no more energy for cleanup or cooking. 

In this video, Carolyn is sharing all her best tips for preserving day to help you keep the day as stress-free and productive as possible. 

Some of the top tips are: 
- To prepare dinner in the morning so that it's ready to go by dinnertime. 
- ALWAYS start with a clean kitchen, clear of any excess clutter!
- Get out into the garden or to the farmer's market as early as possible. 
- Make use of all your appliances and extra hands to make the process go faster.
- Most importantly, remember WHY you're doing what you're doing! 

WELCOME! We're so glad you're here! We are Josh and Carolyn Thomas. Together with our eleven children, we are The Homesteading Family where we’re living a self-sustainable life in beautiful North Idaho. Let us welcome you and show you a bit about us here: 

Grow, Preserve & Thrive with us!  
Visit us at and on Facebook at 

A few highlights you don't want to miss are our FREEBIES!! 

Click any of the links below for instant access to free video training resources:

- Healthy Healing at Home- Free 4 video workshop on our herb course Herbal Medicine Cabinet: Colds
- Bread Making workshop- Free 4 video workshop on our masterclass, The Art of Homemade Bread
- Meals on Your Shelf- Free 4 video workshop on canning. The Abundant Pantry: Canning

Click any of the links below for instant access to these free downloadable PDFs:

- Homesteading Family's Favorite Holiday Recipes - A PDF download filled with our family’s favorite holiday recipe.
- 5 Steps to a More Self Sufficient Life- Simple PDF download on 5 steps anyone can take wherever they are to start a more self-sufficient lifestyle.
- Thrive Wellness Checklist- A simple PDF download for healthy living.
- Permaculture for Your Homestead- PDF download that is an introduction to permaculture with some strategies for applying it to one’s homestead and garden.
- Carolyn’s Cottage Garden herb list- PDF with Carolyn’s favorite herbs for growing at home.
- Carolyn’s Make-Ahead Breakfast Casseroles- Carolyn’s favorite make-ahead breakfast casseroles.
- Your FREE Guide to Preserving Eggs- PDF download with multiple ways to preserve eggs.
- 5 Steps to a Healthy Garden- PDF download with an explanation of what makes healthy soil and 5 steps you can take to improve your garden
- Save the Crumbs- Several Recipes for using bread leftovers, a less committal entry to bread than the workshop.
- Fearless Fermenting- A PDF on basic lacto-ferments.
- Fermenting Tomatoes- PDF download on fermenting tomatoes
- Preserving Culinary Herbs- Downloadable, step by step directions to drying, freezing and salting culinary herbs.
- Render Your Own Lard- PDF with instructions on how to render your own lard.
#gardenharvest #preservation #preserving #canning

My best tips for keeping a busy preserving day running smoothly and stress-free!
Never miss a new video! Subscribe to our channel to be notified whenever we publish a new video!
Click "SHOW MORE" if you're new to our channel and "MORE ABOUT US" for some freebies!
A busy preserving day can mean, by days end, that you're wiped out with no more energy for cleanup or cooking.

In this video, Carolyn is sharing all her best tips for preserving day to help you keep the day as stress-free and productive as possible.

Some of the top tips are:
- To prepare dinner in the morning so that it's ready to go by dinnertime.
- ALWAYS start with a clean kitchen, clear of any excess clutter!
- Get out into the garden or to the farmer's market as early as possible.
- Make use of all your appliances and extra hands to make the process go faster.
- Most importantly, remember WHY you're doing what you're doing!

WELCOME! We're so glad you're here! We are Josh and Carolyn Thomas. Together with our eleven children, we are The Homesteading Family where we’re living a self-sustainable life in beautiful North Idaho. Let us welcome you and show you a bit about us here:

Grow, Preserve & Thrive with us!
Visit us at and on Facebook at

A few highlights you don't want to miss are our FREEBIES!!

Click any of the links below for instant access to free video training resources:

- Healthy Healing at Home- Free 4 video workshop on our herb course Herbal Medicine Cabinet: Colds
- Bread Making workshop- Free 4 video workshop on our masterclass, The Art of Homemade Bread
- Meals on Your Shelf- Free 4 video workshop on canning. The Abundant Pantry: Canning

Click any of the links below for instant access to these free downloadable PDFs:

- Homesteading Family's Favorite Holiday Recipes - A PDF download filled with our family’s favorite holiday recipe.
- 5 Steps to a More Self Sufficient Life- Simple PDF download on 5 steps anyone can take wherever they are to start a more self-sufficient lifestyle.
- Thrive Wellness Checklist- A simple PDF download for healthy living.
- Permaculture for Your Homestead- PDF download that is an introduction to permaculture with some strategies for applying it to one’s homestead and garden.
- Carolyn’s Cottage Garden herb list- PDF with Carolyn’s favorite herbs for growing at home.
- Carolyn’s Make-Ahead Breakfast Casseroles- Carolyn’s favorite make-ahead breakfast casseroles.
- Your FREE Guide to Preserving Eggs- PDF download with multiple ways to preserve eggs.
- 5 Steps to a Healthy Garden- PDF download with an explanation of what makes healthy soil and 5 steps you can take to improve your garden
- Save the Crumbs- Several Recipes for using bread leftovers, a less committal entry to bread than the workshop.
- Fearless Fermenting- A PDF on basic lacto-ferments.
- Fermenting Tomatoes- PDF download on fermenting tomatoes
- Preserving Culinary Herbs- Downloadable, step by step directions to drying, freezing and salting culinary herbs.
- Render Your Own Lard- PDF with instructions on how to render your own lard.
#gardenharvest #preservation #preserving #canning

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16.2K views August 19th

How to Homestead Anywhere Crash Course

Join me for a FREE live virtual event January 6th – 10th


Live in a high-rise apartment, a suburban neighborhood or on multiple acres? Join the homesteading movement with these simple, actionable steps.