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Weekly Chore List on the Homestead

A weekly chore list keeps the children on task with household cleaning expectations that benefit the whole family and bring peace of mind. Read on to learn more.

A young girl cooking in the kitchen.

There are daily household chores and weekly chores to keep your house clean. There is no ultimate household chore list to cover everything, but just like our barn management system helps us tend to the animals, this simple system helps us to stay on top of laundry, accomplish personal chores, and enjoy a clean home.

Why We Use a Weekly Chore List

When homesteading with children, success relies on understanding the importance of chore time

We have a lot of people in and out of the house at all hours of the day, so using my secret to running a productive household and implementing strategies like remembering the importance of a healthy breakfast and implementing chore jurisdictions contribute to keeping our home clean.

Additionally, weekly chore lists are a must in our household. Everybody needs to know what is expected to benefit the whole family each day of the week. We have multiple chore times throughout the day, so this list helps keep everyone on track.

A woman holding up a small leather notebook.

Daily Chores vs. Weekly Chores

A daily chore is assigned for each person, done twice daily at specific times. We plan morning chores for children and early evening chores. These chores are set for at least six months so each child can learn to become proficient and consistently accomplish different tasks.

Some daily chores have a rotation within the week, like cleaning the kitchen in teams of two; it keeps the task fresh so interest isn’t lost and poor attitudes don’t develop. A high-traffic area like the living room also needs more attention, so we all try and pick up along the way when needed.

Weekly chores are tasks that don’t necessarily need attention on a daily basis, but doing them consistently once or twice a week is extremely helpful. These tasks keep the house tidier, specific meals prepped ahead of time, and the overall house running more efficiently.  

Young girl cutting bread dough on a cutting board.

Examples of Weekly Chores

Weekly chore examples would be someone in charge of assembling make-ahead breakfast casseroles or making no-knead artisan bread dough to get home-cooked meals on the table every day.

Keeping the refrigerators cleaned out and the pantry organized so we know what needs to be eaten or moved to the front of the shelves to eliminate food waste is a weekly chore. Keeping the laundry room tidy and floors swept is helpful in this heavily used area.

Seasonal tasks like rendering lard, making homemade dairy products or home-canning foods are weekly chores to be added to the list as needed. It really depends on what is being harvested or butchered on the homestead and how to act accordingly.

Two small children picking apples off the ground and putting them into a wooden crate.

How to Identify Weekly Chores

Since each homestead will have different weekly chores, it’s good to have a system worked out to identify what needs to be done so that nothing slips through the cracks. 

Each week, I make a list of everything that needs to be done daily and weekly and assign age-appropriate tasks to each child. Monthly cleaning tasks cover a deep clean, but that’s a topic for another time. One day at a time, one week at a time, is plenty to organize for our household.

The weekly list changes as the seasons change, and we address different aspects of the homestead. Butchering season, harvest and food preservation, and simple tasks like sweeping the stairways a couple of times a week are added to the weekly chores.

The daily chores keep the house pretty tidy, and everyone knows what’s expected and their work is checked to ensure it’s done well. In many cases, weekly chores differ according to the time of year, but the same principle applies. 

A group of kids and their mom picking apples from trees.

How to Assign Chores

Our household has a variety of ages, and chores must be assigned according to the child’s age and ability. We want them to learn how to do the task correctly and not be frustrated in accomplishing it. Success builds them up and sets them on the path of responsible adulthood.

We also find it helpful to have the older children be an example to the younger children by having them assist them with a new chore assignment. This system is a win-win for all involved.

I take time to look at the full picture, make a comprehensive list of household chores, and then logically work them out like a puzzle to put them in order, creating a space and time for everyone to accomplish their task without bottlenecks where people are bumping into each other or making a mess in an area that was just cleaned. 

Sundays, we rest and regroup; it’s my time to get the next week’s chore assignments set up. I typically give the system a two-week trial and keep the list in pencil, erasing and adjusting where needed.

Once it’s working well, each chore is assigned for about six months before we change it again. This time-frame gives ample time to fine-tune difficult areas or train our children to accomplish tasks well enough that they can do it anytime it’s needed, like if someone is absent or ill.

A woman sitting at a desk.

Household Management Class

Now that you are well on your way to mastering your own weekly chore list, are you ready to layer in more great tips for a productive yet peaceful homestead? Join me in my Household Management Workshop, where you will learn…

  • How to delegate which chores should go to your children.
  • How to keep your household running smoothly (even when Mom is sick or if hardship strikes.)
  • How to keep up with the never-ending laundry.
  • How to keep your house tidy, even when you’re really busy.
  • How to get the house back on track when things get out of hand.
  • And much more!

This 30-day risk-free series comes with 17 full video lessons, my make-ahead breakfast casserole recipe eBook, and a printable household planning worksheet. Sign up today and receive instant access!

A woman sitting beside baskets of laundry in the laundry room, holding laundry detergent.
A man and wife smiling.

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